Holidaying With The Bronte Sisters

As I type this I’m enjoying my honeymoon in beautiful Fuertaventura in the Canary Islands with my beautiful wife Yvette. It’s been a fabulous and much needed holiday, so I hope you’ll forgive me for repeating a post I first wrote in 2017. In this post we look at the Brontes on holiday, but as I return from my honeymoon soon I hope you can join me for an all new Bronte blog post next Sunday.

Sunny Fuertaventura
Sunny Fuertaventura

Anne Brontë and her sisters lived in a very different society to ours, and yet they had pressures and strains that we would recognise today. Like us, they needed on occasion to get away from the demands and mundanity of everyday life, an escape to a place of joy and relaxation – a holiday:

‘A little while, a little while,
The noisy crowd are barred away;
And I can sing and I can smile,
A little while I’ve holiday!
Where wilt thou go my harassed heart?
Full many a land invites thee now;
And places near, and far apart,
Have rest for thee, my weary brow –
There is a spot ‘mid barren hills,
Where winter howls and driving rain;
But, if the dreary tempest chills,
There is a light that warms again.
The house is old, the trees are bare,
And moonless bends the misty dome;
But what on earth is half so dear –
So longed for as the hearth of home?
The mute bird sitting on the stone,
The dank moss dripping from the wall,
The garden-walk with weeds o’ergrown,
I love them – how I love them all!
Shall I go there? or shall I seek,
Another clime, another sky,
Where tongues familiar music speak,
In accents dear to memory?
Yes, as I mused, the naked room,
The flickering firelight died away;
And from the midst of cheerless gloom,
I passed to bright, unclouded day –
A little and a lone green lane,
That opened on a common wide;
A distant, dreamy, dim blue chain,
Of mountains circling every side –
A heaven so clear, an earth so calm,
So sweet, so soft, so hushed an air;
And, deepening still the dream-like charm,
Wild moor-sheep feeding everywhere –
That was the scene – I knew it well;
I knew the pathways far and near,
That winding o’er each billowy swell,
Marked out the tracks of wandering deer.
Could I have lingered but an hour,
It well had paid a week of toil;
But truth has banished fancy’s power:
I hear my dungeon bars recoil –
Even as I stood with raptured eye,
Absorbed in bliss so deep and dear,
My hour of rest had fleeted by,
And given me back to weary care.’

Emily Brontë wrote this poem in December 1838, during her brief spell as a teacher at Law Hill near Halifax. It shows that for her there was only one place for a holiday – the old, familiar Haworth. Whilst Emily would become increasingly attached to the Parsonage and its surrounds, becoming a virtual recluse after her return from a year in Brussels, she could find relaxation and stimulation whenever she needed it, simply by walking across the moors she knew so well.

Moors by Dave Zdanowicz
The Haworth moors loved by Emily Bronte (photo c. Dave Zdanowic)

Out of all the Brontë sisters it was Charlotte who had the greatest yearning to travel. Even during the months and years that she resided at Haworth she would often journey to spend time with her friend Ellen Nussey at Birstall or at Hathersage, where her brother had been made vicar. These last sojourns proved particularly fruitful, as Hathersage was later recreated on paper as the Morton of ‘Jane Eyre’.

Charlotte’s love of travel developed in childhood. All of the Brontë siblings were fascinated by the tales of exploration and adventure that they read about in their father’s newspapers and magazines – this after all was a time of great exploration, led by people like Mungo Park and Hugh Clapperton. These tales were the catalyst for the creation of the imaginary lands of Angria and then Gondal, whose little books were the result of a ‘scribblemania’, as Charlotte put it, that would later find release in the novels we love so much today.

Whilst the other Brontës were happy to confine their adventures to the page, Charlotte wanted to explore in real life. This wanderlust was the reason that Charlotte jumped at the opportunity to head to Belgium at the beginning of 1842. Ostensibly travelling, with Emily beside her, to learn languages that would help attract pupils to their proposed school, she was really journeying to fulfill her dream of seeing new faces and places in a new country.

The Crystal Palace
The Crystal Palace from ‘Dickinson’s Comprehensive Pictures of the Great Exhibition’

Charlotte’s Belgian adventure did not end well, returning to England with little more than a broken heart. She later found holiday-like enjoyment in her visits to London. After the death of her sisters, Charlotte began to appear within the London literary scene, and this gave her the chance to experience sights and events that were far removed from those she knew in Yorkshire. One event that had a particular impact on her was the Great Exhibition which ran in London’s Hyde Park from May to October of 1851. The huge structure in which it was held was christened the Crystal Palace, and within it were held treasures of science, art and culture from around the world. To Charlotte, and the millions of others who attended, it was a magical experience. She visited on numerous occasions, and gave a vivid description of what she saw:

‘Yesterday I went for the second time to the Crystal Palace. We remained in it about three hours, and I must say I was more struck with it on this occasion than at my first visit. It is a wonderful place – vast, strange, new and impossible to describe. Its grandeur does not consist in one thing, but in the unique assemblage of all things. Whatever human industry has created you find there, from the great compartments filled with railway engines and boilers, with mill machinery in full work, with splendid carriages of all kinds, with harness of every description, to the glass-covered and velvet-spread stands loaded with the most gorgeous work of the goldsmith and silversmith, and the carefully guarded caskets full of real diamonds and pearls worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. It may be called a bazaar or a fair, but it is such a bazaar or fair as Eastern genii might have created. It seems as if only magic could have gathered this mass of wealth from all the ends of the earth – as if none but supernatural hands could have arranged it this, with such a blaze and contrast of colours and marvellous power of effect. The multitude filling the great aisles seems ruled and subdued by some invisible influence. Amongst the thirty thousand souls that peopled it the day I was there not one loud noise was to be heard, not one irregular movement seen; the living tide rolls on quietly, with a deep hum like the sea heard from the distance.’

This was one of the greatest moments of Charlotte’s life, and a perfect holiday experience for her. Whilst she was captivated by the living tide, the sea of humanity, it was a very different tide that charmed her youngest sister Anne Brontë. From her earliest days, Anne loved the sea. The crashing, roaring waves with their white topped sprays held the same place in her heart that the wild purple moors held in Emily’s. We get a glimpse of Anne’s love of the sea in her 1839 picture ‘Sunrise Over Sea’. In this picture the sea is a vision of beauty, gilded by the golden rays of the sun, and at its centre is a woman with her back to us. With her characteristic long curled hair, it seems that this is a picture of Anne herself.

Sunrise Over Sea
Sunrise Over Sea by Anne Bronte

What is remarkable about this picture is that it was created before Anne had ever seen the sea, but a year later that would change. In June 1840 she made her first visit to Scarborough on the east coast of Yorkshire, spending around a month in Wood’s Lodgings in company with the Robinson family of Thorp Green, for whom she was working as a governess. She would make five such visits in all, and then one further visit in company with Charlotte and their friend Ellen Nussey in May 1849 – this was of course Anne’s final journey, as she had chosen to die in the place that meant so much to her.

Just what did Anne Brontë love so much about Scarborough? She liked the exciting new spa building and the grand bridge crossing to it, she loved the regular musical concerts given in the town, but most of all she loved to walk the sands and look out to the vast expanse of the sea. As she did so, she imagined two other women looking out to the sea from a similar beach in their childhood: her Aunt Elizabeth and Maria Branwell, the mother she had never known. Aunt Branwell was immensely proud of Penzance, and we know that she often talked about it. For Anne, who shared a room with her aunt throughout her childhood, these tales were magical, and they gave her a glimpse into the happy childhood her mother had spent by the Cornish coast. Anne would never travel to Penzance, it was after all further from Haworth than Brussels was, but Scarborough became her own substitute for it. Anne’s love of Scarborough, then, was a symbol of her love for her aunt and of her longing to have known her mother.


Bronte Wedding Re-enactments

This weekend has been a very special one for me, as yesterday I married the love of my life Yvette, my wonderful Mrs Holland. It was a perfect day in every way, and we would like to thank the many of you who sent best wishes and congratulations!

As you can imagine this weekend has also been a very happy but also very busy and tiring one, so today’s post is simply going to share images of two -enactments of the wedding of Charlotte Brontë and Arthur Bell Nicholls. The wedding itself took place in 1854 in the Haworth church presided over by Charlotte’s father Patrick, and in which Arthur served as assistant curate. 

The first re-enactment pictured below occurred in 2004 to mark the 150th anniversary of Charlotte and Arthur’s big day.

Sutcliffe Sowden watches Charlotte sign the register
Sutcliffe Sowden watches Charlotte sign the register in a 2004 reenactment. In fact Sowden was the same age as Charlotte.
Arthur places the ring on Charlotte
Arthur places the ring on Charlotte’s finger in a wedding re-enactment at Haworth church
Charlotte. Margaret Wooler and Ellen in the background
Charlotte. Margaret Wooler and Ellen in the background

The second re-enactment featured here took place in 2017, and here are some pictures I took, including of me holding a special commemorative confetti cone. I’m not sure they had those in 1854, but it was a wonderful, evocative event to be part of.

Charlotte Bronte's wedding to Arthur Be
A Haworth recreation of Charlotte Bronte’s wedding to Arthur Bell Nicholls
Charlotte Bronte and Arthur Bell Nicholls
Charlotte Bronte and Arthur Bell Nicholls, at a wedding re-enactment
A happy reminder of Charlotte Bronte’s big day

I leave you with a picture of myself and my beautiful bride. I couldn’t be happier, and I hope to see you here next Sunday for another new Brontë blog post.

A Day Of Changes In The Bronte Story

This week, in two separate years, marked two landmark events in the Brontë story. It was a time for change in the Brontë family, and the coming days bring a major change for me as well, which I hope you won’t mind sharing with you. First, let’s look at two important Brontë events in 1815 and 1842.

We start by taking a journey back to February 8th 1815. It was a momentous month for European history, for in that month Napoleon left his exile on Elba, quickly assembled a large following and returned to France. It would spark a sequence of events which led to the Battle of Waterloo, 15 miles south of Brussels, just three months later.

Napoleon returns from Elba
Napoleon returns from Elba

In Haworth a very different event was taking place for it was on February 8th that the second Brontë child was born. She was named Elizabeth after her mother’s elder sister Elizabeth Branwell, a woman who herself would come to play a vital role in the Brontë story. Alas, Elizabeth’s life would never get to fulfil her destiny but, as I explained in an episode on my The House Of Brontë channel, I think it’s unfair that Elizabeth has become a forgotten Brontë.

Elizabeth was not, as a child, as gifted academically as her elder sister Maria nor her younger sisters, but that is not to say that she couldn’t have developed those skills, and she was praised by those who knew her for her kindness, pragmatism and common sense. Those would have been valuable assets within the Brontë family, and I have little doubt that she would have made a telling and positive contribution if she had been granted further years.

Elizabeth Branwell by James Tonkin
Elizabeth Branwell, after whom Elizabeth Bronte was named

Certainly it seems to me that Emily Brontë never forgot her sister Elizabeth, never forgot the sister who led her on her first tentative trips onto those moors which radiate from Haworth on three sides.I believe that Emily’s chosen pen name of Ellis is a tribute to Elizabeth Brontë, and she may also be found in the character of Zillah the housekeeper in Wuthering Heights – after all, Elizabeth was being trained to be a housekeeper at Cowan Bridge school.

Cowan Bridge school

Let us wish Elizabeth Brontë a belated 210th birthday and hop forward to 1842. By this time her sisters and Cowan Bridge schoolmates Charlotte Brontë and Emily Brontë are setting out for another school – and their father Patrick is journeying with them.

On 8th February 1842 Charlotte and Emily Brontë began their journey from Haworth to Brussels, to enrol as adult pupils in the Pensionnat Heger school. Emily would be home a few months later, due to the death of the aforementioned Elizabeth ‘Aunt’ Branwell, but other than a brief return to Yorkshire Charlotte would remain in Belgium for two years.

Pensionnat Heger
The Pensionnat Heger school, Brussels

They were two tumultuous years, full of triumphs and trauma. Charlotte excelled as a pupil to the extent that she became a teacher in her second year – but above all else, the Brussels experience was one of loneliness and frustration for her. Charlotte fell deeply into an unrequited love for Constantin Heger, husband of the school’s owner Clare Heger. It would leave her heart and mind indelibly scarred, but from these scars burst forth some of the greatest literature the world has ever seen. Heger is, after all, undoubtedly the prototype for both Rochester in Jane Eyre and Paul Emanuel in Villette.

Patrick travelled to Brussels with his daughters partly because he wanted to see them arrive safely, of course, but partly because he wanted to visit the site of the Waterloo battlefield. He had created for himself an English-French phrasebook for his journey, listing words in English, then French, and then as they were pronounced. Using this book, after taking leave of Charlotte and Emily, he travelled on to the Waterloo site – linking again the years 1842 and 1815.

the Heger family by Ange Francois

February 8th was a time of change for the Brontë family then, and the effects of those changes can still be seen today in the brilliant novels the world loves so much. It is one week also to a major change for myself.

I hope you won’t mind me sharing my very special news that next Saturday, 15th February, I will be getting married to my beloved Yvette. At the age of 53 I have found the most exquisite happiness, and I can’t wait to see my beautiful bride walk down the aisle. I’m a very lucky man, and of course I will still continue to produce my weekly Brontë blog posts as always. Some of you who have already known of my upcoming happy event have asked if they can contribute a gift. We would not at all expect that of course, but anyone who wishes to do so can send a gift via the following page:

Next Saturday is a special day for Yvette and I

Life changed for the Brontës and life is changing for me, but my love of all things Brontë remains undiminished. I’ve been writing posts for this blog for over nine years now, and long may that continue – and as always, I will never have adverts on this site. I look forward to seeing you next Sunday, after my own big day, for another new Brontë blog post.

Charlotte Bronte: A Pregnancy Is Announced

On this week in 1855 Haworth Parsonage was visited with joyous news after Dr William Macturk’s visit to a rather famous patient – Charlotte Brontë.

Charlotte Bronte
By January 1855 Charlotte Bronte was a famous author.

Charlotte was now styling herself Charlotte Brontë Nicholls after her marriage to Arthur Bell Nicholls in the summer of  1854. It was a very happy marriage, but at the start of 1855 Arthur was worried about an illness which seemed to have gripped his wife. She was frequently sick in the mornings, and although Arthur may well have assumed its cause he called in two physicians to put his mind at rest.

The first to examine Charlotte was Amos Ingham of Haworth. He was the village surgeon, which meant he was called upon to deal with medical maladies and necessities of all kinds. He was far from a specialist, however, and so on 30th January 1855 Dr Macturk of Bradford also arrived at the parsonage. Macturk was a celebrated physician, and was also renowned for founding both a church and a grammar school in the Manningham area of Bradford. We get the details of his visit in a letter Patrick Brontë sent to Charlotte’s fan and friend Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth on 3rd February 1855:

“Owing to my Dear Daughter’s indisposition, she has desired me to answer your kind letter, by return of post. For several days past, she has been confin’d to her bed, where she still lies, oppressed with nausea, sickness, irritation and a slow feverous feeling, and a complete want of appetite and digestion. Our Village Surgeon visits her daily, and we have had a visit from Dr Macturk of Bradford who both think her sickness is symptomatic – and after a few weeks they hope her health will again return.”

Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth

Some may speculate whether this could have been symptomatic of that great Brontë family curse tuberculosis, but we have further evidence that they meant it was symptomatic of pregnancy. 

On 21st February, Charlotte wrote to best friend Ellen Nussey and asked: ‘Write and tell me about Mrs. Hewitt’s case, how long she was ill and in what way.’

Mary Hewitt was another close friend of Ellen, and, tellingly, Mary had suffered severe sickness during her pregancy in the previous year, before giving birth to a son in December 1854. It seems clear then that Charlotte’s friends knew that she was pregnant, as further shown by the baby bonnet knitted by Charlotte’s friend, and former teacher and employer, Margaret Wooler, one of the most moving exhibits of the Brontë Parsonage Museum.

Charlotte Bronte baby bonnet
The baby bonnet made for Charlotte Bronte’s expected child by Margaret Wooler

The great writer Elizabeth Gaskell, friend and biographer of Charlotte Brontë, also clarified the situation, explaining:

‘She [Charlotte] yielded to Mr. Nicholls’ wish that a doctor should be sent for. He came, and assigned a natural cause for her miserable indisposition; a little patience, and all would go right… Martha [parsonage servant Martha Brown] tenderly waited on her mistress, and from time to time tried to cheer her with the thought of the baby that was coming.”

Let us leave this snapshot in this happy moment, not least because I personally am entering into a very special and happy month. More on that next week, when I hope you can join me for another new Brontë blog post.